The Blue OS Museum

The Blue OS Museum is a collaborative effort to review every build of Windows and MS-DOS from its origins in the 1970's and 80's up to 2009, as well as document other GUIs from other companies and authors around that period.

This website is still incomplete, but most of the reviews should be fully accessible.

We archive numerous videos of old Microsoft-related stuff for your viewing pleasure. Check out the video index!


Microsoft Windows releases

Windows 1.0 Windows 2.0 Windows 3.0
Chicago Memphis Millennium
Windows NT 5.0 Whistler Longhorn

This project is operated with contributions by Blue Horizon, gv3u, gogo2, Lace, and Lucas Brooks.
Additional thanks goes to the aforementioned for their motivational support and keeping this project going.

Blue OS Museum

Copyright © 2017-2024 Blue OS Museum
This project was first started on December 11, 2017