Windows NT 5.0 1835
Author: Blue Horizon ![]() The first build of the 18xx series. We're still far from the final build number and there's still lots of things to cover in later builds. However this build does introduce many things that would stick around into the final product. ![]() A changed bootscreen from the last build. This time the background is blue and the "Interim Developer's Release" text is replaced with "Beta 2". ![]() The setup background from Windows 95 is finally replaced with a new one to match the theme of the OS. ![]() The dialogues are slightly changed in the setup to be shorter and simpler. However I do notice in this build it takes considerably more time to install devices and configure the computer during setup. ![]() Extra dialogue in this part of setup. Clicking on one of the buttons seems to freeze setup entirely, so don't actually do that. ![]() This part of setup also has simplified dialogue, though from my experience it took at most 30 minutes to get through this part. Thankfully the actual build itself isn't crawlingly slow. ![]() A better look at the setup background in high color mode. ![]() Several changed things on the desktop compared to the last build:
Also, the mouse pointer now has a shadow which would stick around to not just the final build, but the latest Windows today. ![]() Of course, the welcome window now reads "Beta 2", and some dialogue is slightly changed. ![]() The explorer is a bit more restrictive than previous builds, as when you try and open a directory with important system files, it will stick it's nose up and say "Move along, no need to see what's in here". <sarcasm> Wow, that's some real tight security for NT right there (!) </sarcasm> ![]() The splash screen for Outlook Express is of course changed with the new icon. ![]() HyperHelp is slightly different. The Options and Web Help icons are changed, and it looks like the version number branding (NT 5.0) is starting to disappear. Some dialogue is of course slightly changed. ![]() ![]() "Microsoft Screen Reader" has been renamed to "Narrator" and has a new "MSN" icon (not to be confused with The Microsoft Network) which most likely stands for "Microsoft Narrator". And also it includes some extra voices not present in the final such as telephone call quality versions of MS Mike and Mary. ![]() Microsoft seems to have bought the rights to use the ScreenDoors Lite program and named it "On-Screen Keyboard" officially. A new phone dialer program is included and also has this awesome interactive about graphic. ![]() Deluxe CD Player is now included in this build which features CDDB support and is also in the Plus! 98 pack as well. ![]() Add/Remove Programs is now slightly changed and thankfully doesn't crash when you hover over a button. ![]() Within Add/Remove Programs is this new wizard which allows you to remove any stuff you may so desire... except for IE. ![]() The Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth is now enabled in this build which basically uses compressed instrument samples from Roland synths for playing MIDI files. ![]() The sound properties UI is slightly different and seems to be cramped in some spots. Pretty interesting, although I had my volume all the way up, it yet insists it's all the way down. ![]() The Accessibility Wizard is given a little makeover this time around. But just wait... ![]() You can basically use the wizard to BLAH BLAH BLAH. In all seriousness though, they really didn't have enough time to finish the descriptions for this wizard? ![]() Oh, very funny, Bill... ![]() That small start menu is even smaller than the actual small start menu! Do not use the Accessibility Wizard in this build unless you really want your icons to be that tiny and scaled poorly. It also horribly messes up your explorer folders. ![]() The shutdown window is also changed, as instead of radio buttons it provides a dropdown menu for the options as well as descriptions for each option. So far everything is coming together for the final build. Of course, this is still far from the actual release build as there's still more visual overhalls and UI tweaks to explore. To be continued... |