Windows NT 5.0 1627
Author: Blue Horizon Another build of NT 5.0 re-leaked recently, so you know the drill by now. This build unfortunately has a lot of missing files from the CD - those files being MARK8.VC_ all the way to MFC40.DL_. However, it can be repaired by copying the same files from build 1631 to this one. Anyway, let's take a look at another build that was lost in the depths of time. ![]() The setup is mostly the same, aside from the size of the window being shorter. Sound familiar? ![]() Oh no.. It's the evil IE with it's 4 red dots of terror! Somebody help us, we must fight back before existing requires IE! login.mp4Jokes aside, this active desktop does have a unique animation when it starts up. ![]() There's really not much to document here after already going through 1631, aside from it being a Workstation build. ![]() Nope, HyperHelp is still just as broken as ever in this build. ![]() Same Kodak branding too for the Imaging program. ![]() Nothing too exciting, but there's an image preview program alongside the Imaging program that isn't normally in the start menu. ![]() The only real difference I found in this build compared to 1631 was a missing control panel applet - that said applet being the updated Add/Remove Programs. I even compared how many applets were in each build, and this one has 23 while 1631 has 24. |